Friday, June 25, 2010

Preserving Tribal Culture


In the year 2008 KISS has built two tribal demo houses in its campus to showcase the tribal art and craft and to preserve their culture. The Lanjia Saura demo house was inaugurated by Hon‟ble Governor of Orissa His Excellency Mr. M.C Bhandare and the Gadaba demo house by the Governor of U.P His Excellency Mr. T.V Rajeswar. The purpose of the demo house is to preserve the unique culture and tradition of various tribal communities of Orissa.

Houses have been built with an aim to give proper representation of tribal culture and tradition. In an exclusively tribal school the existence of such tribal demo houses will truly represent the tribal cultural heritage of the tribal communities.

The tribal demo houses in KISS have been arranged in such a way that the inside and o utside of each demo house accommodates all the necessaries those are available in the concerned tribal house in their locality. Inside each demo house one can find the food grain, clothes, bed, ornaments, weapons and various instruments like agricultural equipment used by the concerned tribal community.

These demo houses attracts many guests and dignitaries to the campus.

For more information visit

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