Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Imparting Occupational Skills

Vocational Training at KISS

In todays world, it is very important for any institution to not just teach academic lessons but also identify and whet the skills of children that will help them evolve into successful entrepreneurs and fit for the job market. In the pursuit of this mission, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences too has made arrangements for vocational training for the tribal children which aims at providing the students with marketable skills, building confidence and encouraging them to compete with others in the society.

The products from these activities are marketed too and children are compensated for the same. This unique model of  'Earn While You Learn' gives the children an opportunity to support their parents who reside in the tribal villages.

The main aim of Vocational Training is:
  • To diversify a sizeable segment of tribal school students at secondary stage to the world of work.
  • To link education with productivity, economic development and individual prosperity.
  • To meet the skilled and middle level manpower needs of the growing sectors of the economy-both organised and unorganised.
  • To prepare students for self-reliance and gainful employment.
  • To prevent aimless pursuit of higher education.
Vocational Training Coourses at KISS:

  1. Computer Training
  2. Food Processing and Preservation
  3. Art and Craft (Fabric flower paintings, texture tribal paintings, umbrellas, wall-hangings, greeting cards, etc.)
  4. Medical Attendant
  5. Bakery
  6. Animal Husbandry
  7. Composite Farming
  8. Pisciculture
  9. Driving
  10. Tailoring
  11. Livelihood Training (making school uniforms, hand wash, chalks, detergents, phenyl, etc.)

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