Friday, June 25, 2010

"From Dusk till dawn"

From Dusk till Dawn a man is standing for the quality education rooted to gender equality & trying to create a ripple effect of opportunity that impacts generations to come. Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences established by Dr. A. Samanta an accomplished entrepreneur & social worker trying to enhance thousand lives through education which ends generational cycles of poverty, diseases and provides a foundation for sustainable development. KISS is working tirelessly to ensure that every child regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio economic background or circumstances has access to a quality education.

There are 10,000 tribal students residing & getting education in KISS.These saplings are moving forward to be a strong rooted, full shaded tree & become an important part of the mainstream society. KISS is earnestly attempting to fulfill the Millennium Development Goal of learning for empowerment.

‘Learning for empowerment’ is a phrase so often quoted in literacy programe reports that we may no longer stop to think what it really means. The word ‘empowerment’ is not used in a rhetorical sense here,
but becomes the guiding principle behind the educational processes. Education of ST children is considered important, not only because of the Constitutional obligation but also as a crucial input for total development of tribal communities.

In Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences ‘education’ is an integral part of the empowerment process. KISS has the strong intellection that empowerment of the tribal community means capacitating tribal communities to secure access and control of their land, forest and water resources as well as sustain and promote viable alternatives for security of their livelihoods.

A similitude group is working for this baronial cause, KISS is an exalted ideal in front of us that if a person wants to do something good the path is ill at ease but together we can make it easier & I feel proud to be a part of it.

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