Friday, June 25, 2010

Novel Features of KISS

Orientation Programme for Teachers

Orientation programme are very frequently arranged in the organization for the teaching and non-teaching staff. Experts from various fields are invited to take special interactive classes. The orientation classes are aimed to provide knowledge and insight and at the same time introduce the participants with the latest skills and methods.

Various refresher courses on different subjects like Mathematics, English etc are also taken by the experts. The experts try to encourage and motivate the teachers to teach the students with all modern method of teaching, using of different study materials and equipment.

Coaching Classes for Entrance Exams

KISS provides the facility of coaching to prepare the students for various entrance tests like IIT, JEE,III and Medical entrance etc. Coaching classes are arranged in side the campus in the morning and evening hours. Efficient and experienced coaching staff are drawn from different reputed colleges and institutes to take the classes.


Very often Seminars and meetings are organized inside the campus to develop the awareness level of students and staff on different topics. Emphasis is given on national and international issues pertaining to social, economic and political themes. Discussion on science and developmental issues are also held in the seminar.

Research Activities

The research activities of KISS have been focused on carrying out various research studies to strengthen and provide right knowledge and activities to en rich various innovative programmes in the institute. It includes basic research, Action research, Evaluation research and writing for funding proposals. Through such type of research the team has been engaged in the collection of various information that i ncludes anthology on 62 tribal communities living at different parts of Orissa, studies the impact of education provided at KISS to empower the tribal children with knowledge and technical skill, plans for the right management of different branch of this Organization etc.

The basic aims behind doing such studies are to enrich the performance level of different activities, guiding the Organization towards proper direction etc. At the same time the team also engaged in writing many funding proposals to get fund for different developmental work. The Research wing has been trying to get fund from various sources. Last year GIVE India Foundation came forward to sponsor part salary of the teachers of primary and secondary classes.

Scouts, Guides and NCC

KISS has Scout and Guide wings for boys and girls respectively. Interested students are allowed to participate in Scout and Guide. There is also a NCC wing for the Girls in the Institute. The purpose is to inculcate discipline and punctuality among the students. Classes in Scout & Guide and NCC are taken in every week. The Scout, Guide and NCC students also participate in the parade held on Independence day. The participants also volunteer them selves to keep discipline in the campus on various occas ions like parents
meeting, Annual day etc.

National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme wing has been functional in KISS since 2008. Many students have been enrolled in the wing and have attended camps. The NSS volunteers have also participated in different mass cleaning activities around KISS.

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