Monday, June 28, 2010

Academic Results

The tribal students studying at Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) have always proved their metal in every field, be it academics or extracurricular activities. They have always proved to the world that even with limited resources a determined person can achieve a lot in life. Living away from their parents in Bhubaneswar, these children utilise every second of their time in learning @ KISS. The result of their hardwork and dedication has been shown consistently in their academic results.

Cent Percent Result for KISS in Orissa HSC Exam, June 2010

KISS posted impressive result in High School Certificate Examination, Orissa, recording cent percent result. This is the ninth consecutive year that the Institute has recorded cent percent result in the Class X examination of the Orissa Board. In all, 22 students of the Institute have passed in the first division and 61 in the second division. Remaining 170 students passed in the third division.The results have been better than other schools of the state where, on an average, 71 % is the recorded pass percentage. Managing their busy sports schedule, the institute's Rugby Team children also performed well in the exam.

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