Monday, June 14, 2010

Nurturing a Noble Cause - An Introduction

Holding lighted candles, ten thousand children que up in the assembly grounds of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences to pray for a better future for their families. There hearts are filled with a burning desire to bring a new dawn into the tribal villages where their loved ones are still leading a primitive lifestyle. Their eyes are closed in prayer but their minds are they know their aim is not beyond reach. They believe that the path of education will surely make them win over their destiny.

Working relentlessly in the quest to bring about this transformation in the lives of the tribal families, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences is a mere guiding light to these enthusiastic and laborious children. Here they are provided with the right resources to bring their dream into reality. Food, accomodation, education, training and healthcare facilities given here make sure that all the hindrances between these children and their mission are removed. And the result has been remarkable...

The institute's foundation stone was laid in the year 1993, by eminent educationist, visionary and social entrepreneur Dr. Achyuta Samanta, who himself had a tryst with extreme poverty and harsh circumstances since his childhood. He initiated this exemplary movement for the deprived children and his undying dedication convinced many people to join him.

The start was quite arduos, because here it was not about convincing aliterate person to buy a pen or a newspaper, but to convince the tribal families to do away with their age-old beliefs and send their children to the city to avail education. It was all about telling the tribals the importance of pen and a revolution that it can bring in their lives. Difficulties arised and many a times the vagaries pushed the dream into the dark. But it was the unwavering perseverence of Dr. Samanta that steared the mission smoothly through the waves...

Today, the most appropriate source of introduction to Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and its founder Dr. Achyutananda Samanta can only be the tribal families who have seen their lives transform by sending their children to this 'Temple of Knowledge'. On this day, they are proud of their community children representing India in UNEP's International Children Conference in Korea, passing in board exams with flying colors and winning the Under-14 World Rugby Championship in UK! 
          India is really proud of them.

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